Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
Leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of tomorrow.

The revitalized art gallery is set to redefine cultural landscape.
With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to excellence, we create spaces that inspire, elevate, and enrich the lives of those who inhabit them.
The revitalized Art Gallery is set to redefine the cultural landscape of Toronto, serving as a nexus of artistic expression, community engagement, and architectural marvel. The expansion and renovation project pay homage to the Art Gallery’s rich history while embracing the future, ensuring that the gallery remains a beacon of inspiration.
The revitalized Art Gallery is set to redefine the cultural landscape of Toronto, serving as a nexus of artistic expression, community engagement, and architectural marvel. The expansion and renovation project pay homage to the Art Gallery’s rich history while embracing the future, ensuring that the gallery remains a beacon of inspiration.

Guiding your business through the project
Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études—the catalyst for architectural transformations that enrich the world around us.
Meet our team
Our comprehensive suite of professionals caters to a diverse team, ranging from seasoned architects to renowned engineers.
Francesca Piovani
Founder, CEO & Architect
Rhye Moore
Engineering Manager
Helga Steiner
Ivan Lawrence
Project Manager
We’ve worked with some of the best companies.
What is your process working in smaller projects?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
Who is behind Études?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
I’d like to get to meet fellow architects, how can I do that?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
Can I apply to be a part of the team or work as a contractor?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
Enhance your architectural journey with the Études Architect app.
- Collaborate with fellow architects.
- Showcase your projects.
- Experience the world of architecture.

i had been working all day before i took a break | я работал весь день до того как сделал перерыв |
she had been reading that book for a week before she finished it | она читала эту книгу неделю до того как закончила ее |
they had been playing soccer for an hour before it started to rain | они играли в футбол час до того как начался дождь |
we had been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes before it arrived | мы ждали автобус 20 минут до того как он приехал |
he had been cooking dinner for an hour before we arrived | он готовил ужин час до того как мы пришли |
the kids had been watching tv for two hours before their parents came home | дети смотрели телевизор два часа до того как их родители вернулись домой |
she had been writing a letter for an hour before she decided to call | она писала письмо час до того как решила позвонить |
he had been cleaning the house all morning before the guests arrived | он убирал дом все утро до прихода гостей |
they had been having meetings every day before they finalized the deal | у них были встречи каждый день до того как они заключили сделку |
we had been going to the park every evening before it got too cold | мы ходили в парк каждый вечер до того как стало слишком холодно |
i had been learning spanish for three months before i traveled to spain | я учил испанский три месяца до того как поехал в испанию |
he had been fixing his bike since morning before he finally finished | он чинил свой велосипед с утра до тех пор пока наконец не закончил |
they had been watching movies all night before they fell asleep | они смотрели фильмы всю ночь до того как уснули |
we had been planning this trip for weeks before we booked the tickets | мы планировали эту поездку несколько недель до того как забронировали билеты |
i had been listening to that album on repeat before i got tired of it | я слушал этот альбом на повторе до тех пор пока не устал от него |
she had been talking on the phone for hours before she finally hung up | она разговаривала по телефону несколько часов до тех пор пока наконец не повесила трубку |
he had been driving for over ten hours before he stopped for a break | он вел машину более десяти часов до того ка |